Personal Reflection 1

Hello Self,

I’m feeling a lot right now. I really miss Dada, (my youngest brother’s stuffed cat that is lost). I’m feeling stressed about the Cal fires, but really enjoying the way the sun looks from the smoke, and feeling really guilty that I like the way the sun looks. I’m tired of being told to be happy, I just want to feel the way I feel at that moment and for that to be OK. I think I’m ready for school to start, the only things I will really miss is sleeping in, having slow mornings, and no homework. I’m having a hard time motivating to do my daily chores, and thinking about how my responsibilities will only grow as I get older. I miss my friends even though I just saw a good chunk of them not that long ago. I’m getting mad at myself for writing this all down so other people will have to read it. I’m reminding myself that no one reads this anyway so this is purely for myself. I wish I was drawing more. I miss having cats in the house. I want my stomach to work normally all the time. I’m tired.

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