Today I went along with a group of Desmond’s classmates to visit Congresswoman Anna Eshoo. We waited outside for a bit before moving into the lobby. The woman there asked our names and what questions we were going to be asking. After waiting for a bit more she escorted us into the Congresswoman’s office. Her office is a medium sized room painted a comforting shade of red where Congresswoman Anna Eshoo was waiting inside. We all quietly padded in nervously. The teachers and parents helped us add extra chairs, Congresswoman Anna Eshoo assisted, too. Once we were all settled we began to ask our questions in order. When she answered her words were appealing and thought out. Each answer was intriguing and you could tell that she was interested in what we had to say. Our questions were about halfway through when a staff worker came and requested for her to join another meeting for health care. Congresswoman Anna Eshoo simply waved her off and continued listening to us for another half an hour. Afterwards we were so inspired and amazed. We left feeling satisfied and hopeful. I was personally impressed with how she found our questions significant and treated us like adults.
Visiting Congresswoman Anna Eshoo
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