The Vernal Equinox

 As you may have already know, the Vernal Equinox marks the first day of Spring, and now I will give you some insight on how I celebrate it.
Just as a heads up before we begin, how I celebrate it is not connected to any religious practices. This is solely based on my beliefs, sort of like my own religion. 
As I see it, two of the four seasonal sprites/faeries join the party (in this case Spring, and Winter) one side (Winter) celebrates it like a going away party, while the other side (Spring) celebrates it like a welcoming party. Of course the sprites must have a place to party. Usually, a group will party in a forest clearing, but in some cases they can sense a party ground inside a house. If they can find a way in, and to the offering, they will have their party there. In past times I have had them get very messy, leaving spilled tea and tipped tables everywhere. But usually they are very tidy. The leader of that Spring group, and the leader of that Winter group will sit in the royal chairs and drink tea, while everyone else will eat on the surrounding tables. I do not know how they party, but I can imagine music and dancing after they finish eating.
Above is a picture of my offering set up. 
If you are confused on what or why everything is there, don’t worry here’s a list.
* The Gryphons are named Agate, and Gust. Agate is mine and Gust is Tempest’s. Agate has always been there and eats his sacred herbs on the solstices and equinoxes.
* The Dolls on the little balcony are the Spring and Winter dolls named Lavender and Spirit. They are trading places with the help of the doll in the middle Celeste who is no season but always connects each season. The other two dolls are Beam and Acorn, who are the Summer and Autumn dolls that are there to watch.
* The Furr Balls also known as Fluffulumpabumps are toughfer then they look, they are the guards and the servants for the sprites, attending to their every need while they are there.
* The Turtles and Ducks are there to symbolize rebirth and fertility. It is kinda hard to see in this picture but there are baby ducks and turtles swimming on the geode pond.
* The Orb is my most powerful object and is there to guide the sprites to my house, also it is a previous gift from the sprites.
* The Nest  also symbolizes rebirth and fertility.
* The Crystal Tower next to the turtles is also a gift from the sprites and shimmers with power, but I am still unaware of its purpose.
* Everything Else is there purely for decoration.
After they come it is their custom to leave a thank you gift behind, as I have mentioned with the Crystal Tower and the Orb. This time They left a terrarium and plants on the door step.

I hope you had a wonderful Equinox and were inspired or amused by this article.

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