Fluffins (Fluffys, Fluffens, or Fluffings) are a form of spirit that lives inside creature’s soul.
Lifetime of a Fluffin: The first thing to know is Fluffins are immortal, but their bodies are not. Once a Fluffin’s body dies it looks for a pregnant mother (they usually choose mammals but their are sometimes exceptions.) and teleport into the fetus’s soul. Then the fluffin starts making adjustments to the fetus’s personality and appearance (like as a human would refurbish a house). Finally the Fluffin morphs into the fietices sole entirely and becomes the sole. You can recognize if a creature has a fluffen by using this checklist
1) Is the creature irresistibly cute?
2) Does the creature pull at your heart?
3) Does the creature smell adorable? (hard to explain but you will know it when you smell it)
4) Is the creature loving at sometimes but strongly independent at others.
5) Is the creature stupid at some things (like language) but brilliant at others (like problem solving)
By the time the fetus is born the Fluffin had become the creatures’ sole. For the rest of the creatures’ life the Fluffin stays in its body and operates it. When the creature dies the process repeats.
A Fluffin will not affect the creature’s physical or mental health, it might even inprove it because the creature will not feel an overload of stress.